What kind of running clothes are breathable?
The type of running clothing that helps you stay cool and dry even in high temperatures is breathable. When you run, your body produces heat and sweat that needs to be evaporated from your skin to keep you from overheating. It is therefore important to wear clothing that supports this evaporation. Breathable running clothes are made of materials that can quickly absorb and release moisture. Synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon or elastane, which do not absorb moisture but transport it to the outside, are best suited for this. Cotton, on the other hand, absorbs moisture and can get wet and uncomfortable. Another important feature of breathable running clothing is ventilation. Ventilated areas, such as mesh inserts or zips, allow air to be exchanged and keep you comfortably cool. Also pay attention to the fit of your running clothes. Tight-fitting clothing can improve moisture transport, but it shouldn't be too tight either, as this restricts your freedom of movement and affects breathability. Are you looking for breathable running clothing? At RYZON we develop performance running clothing for your best performances in summer and winter.